3: nicole gliddon

nicole gliddon

nicole gliddon is a freelance photographer living in kansas with her new husband and their first garden. she writes a wonderful blog called the habit of being.







on the nightstand…


am loving..

  • long letters to friends
  • wool blankets
  • broccoli and white bean lasagna
  • baskets of yarn
  • walks along the creek
  • yoga
  • reading aloud with my husband in the evening


what inspires you about the fall?

nature’s seasons inspire me in that they signify our lives, requiring a period of work and then one of rest. as autumn approaches, i’m often encouraged to slow down, collapse a bit like the leaves, and to slumber for awhile.


what are three constants in your day?

  1. a phone conversation with my mother
  2. a kiss to my husband
  3. an eye on the garden

9 thoughts on “3: nicole gliddon

  1. i wish i made a phone conversation to my mom something i did every day.
    your photos are humbling and breathtaking nicole, thank you for sharing with us.
    and since i too live in kansas, i’d love to know what town you’re in! :) perhaps one day, our paths shall cross!
    thank you ladies!

  2. thank you for having me be a part of the third issue of joy + ride.

    phoebe, the recipe can be found in the comment’s section of my blog, under the 10/04/08 entry.

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