16: find joy




edited to add: find joy — the progress

this month, we’re going after joy! wanna come?

it’s easy to lose sight of the joy in our lives
easy to forget we have the means to find joy.
that we are in the driver’s seat…

so join us for this joy+ride!

for the month of may,
let’s make a commitment to reconnect with joy.
we’re not just saying “snap out of it and get joyful!”
but let’s make a promise to practice joy
even when we aren’t feeling that joyful.


here are the rules:

  • make a list of 3 attainable things that give you daily joy
    (partners, spouses, kids too!)
  • open your calendar
  • find a place on your calendar to fit each joy
  • set your own joy pace, but we suggest once or twice a week, at least


sheri’s *find joy* list:

  1. take nightly family walks in new places
  2. make meals from scratch
  3. invite friends over for dinner (even if the house is dirty)


shari’s *find joy* list:

  1. early morning solo walk
  2. surprise a friend with something special (giving joy to someone else)
  3. candlelit dinner+++


if you do something for three weeks, it becomes a habit, right?

leave a comment if you’re in. bring a friend.
we’ll make a list of everyone’s who’s in.

let’s find joy now.

—sheri + shari

48 thoughts on “16: find joy

  1. Count me whole heartedly in! What a great way to start the month.

    Courtney’s *find joy* list:

    1. a photo everyday of a joyful moment (mine or witnessed)
    2. write one sentence (or more) about my toddler’s daily joy
    3. put fresh cut flowers on my mantle for the month of May (hopefully mostly from our yard)

  2. What a wonderful idea!

    Melisa’s “find joy” list:

    1. spend some 1-on-1 time with each kid, even if it’s only for something small and brief
    2. do something to get the house or garden ready for summer
    3. listen to new music

  3. I’m in! My joys are:

    1. Watching spring sink in: budding trees, flowers, and chirping birds
    2. Documenting spring through photos and words
    3. Taking long bike rides in the evenings

  4. I love this idea!

    My joyful list!:
    ~ planting and tending our new backyard city garden
    ~ reading on the porch or next to a window
    ~ taking city hikes in new neighborhoods

  5. I’m in!
    My three joys:
    1. exercise! for real!
    2. spend focused moments with my children
    3. create something!

    you guys are great- I really needed this.

  6. Actually, this is perfect, because I was just thinking about making May my “finding things to be grateful about” month… And taking a photograph each day of something I am celebrating. So:

    1. Blessings: photo a day of something to be grateful for
    2. Plant our summer vegetable and fruit garden + fix compost
    3. Schedule at least three camping trips for the summer + take long nature walks with husband and dogs at least once a week

  7. OK, sorry to double comment, but I just wanted to share: I made a finding joy photoset on flickr. :) I think you two should make a group pool… we can share the journey! xoxo

  8. Pingback: Findin’ the Joy « 9 to 5 Poet

  9. Sweet! I want to join. Here’s my list:

    1. Finding alone time to ponder, reflect, or be quiet
    2. Creating something new (I’m leaving this open to poetry or art)
    3. Spending time with my husband outside

    Great idea!

  10. this is what it is to inspire. thank you, sheri & shari.

    1. writing poetry
    2. sitting outside in nice weather
    3. drinking tea

  11. i’m all in! here is my list:

    1. take walks in the evening with my husband
    2. enjoy a bubble bath or two
    3. send a handwritten notes to friends or family members (to pass the joy along)

  12. I am so in!
    1. say yes whenever I can. To kids, husband, friends, self.
    2. get out and do, instead of stay in and do busywork.
    3. share the joy as much as possible with out being annoying.

    Thanks for the prompting. Thanks for the inspiration (always).

  13. lovely! I notice joyful moments regularly, but this month I’ll add the following:

    1. read aloud a bedtime to all three kids together
    2. wake early for a brisk walk in the park by myself
    3. when the sun shines close my eyes and lift my face in quiet greeting

  14. i´m in, too! thank you so much for all of your joy + rides…

    1. drinking coffee, first in the morning when the kids are out for school
    2. drinking coffee in the park-cafe out in the sunshine and having time all for myself
    3. thinking about the patterns of life

  15. I think this is a lovely idea!

    1. Losing myself to NPR on my long commute to work, coffee in hand
    2. Snapping a photo of something beautiful in my “every day”
    3. Stepping outside for a short walk or run

  16. I am in also! :)

    1. Go for a walk everyday and enjoy the peace and serenity it brings!
    2. Always make time for creating!
    3. Make time to talk/play with my kids.
    4. Make special one on one time with hubby where all I do is Listen! :)

    I am ready and I am starting! :)

  17. This is a wonderful idea, and the kick in the pants that I need.

    1. Focused training time with Lottie.
    2. Focused reading time for me.
    3. Focused time talking to my husband unrelated to house, finances, or work.

  18. I love this idea! I need to pay more attention to the joy right now.

    1. get my hands dirty.
    2. have a “clean room”.
    3. be a finisher.

  19. 1. learn how to ride our scooter
    2. cook one new recipe each week
    3. spend more time outside

    wishing all of you joyful days!

  20. I have been following various blogs for months from the sidelines but this is my first foray into participation.
    Inspired by the opportunity to joy-make, my list is:

    1) a photo every day
    2) carve out space for quiet reflection (+/- creative writing if that follows naturally)
    3) time for my husband and me – just us.

  21. I am not good at joy, so this will be a challenge.

    1) Laughter. Whether that’s friends, or comedy, or children.
    2) running (I’ve started again, and had forgotten how lovely it is)
    3) I’ll have to think about this one. Hmm.

  22. Love this!
    1. Take a photo a day I love and post it.
    2. Get out for a walk or potter with the little fellas each day – outside our normal vegies and coffee run.
    3. Finish the pile of unfinished.

  23. I love this idea! Here is my list.

    1. Spend my birthday at museums I can’t visit when Jasper is with me.
    2. Go to the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens alone.
    3. Plant nasturtiums in my rooftop garden.

  24. Hi…
    I am also going to follow this…I love this whole concept of being joyful which i feel is missing in my life now..’
    1.Make my garden bloom with flowers and not weeds:)
    2. Start Going for walks.
    3.walk aimlessly in the city…capture through imagery

  25. life is precious and must not be taken for granted. i know this so why do i do it anyways? i love this concept and i’m in.
    1. write notes of encouragement/letters and let someone know i’m thinking of them. snail mail is a treasure to receive.
    2. take time to look at god’s creation. sit, hear, smell, see. teach my kids so they will do this while they grow.
    3. love my family in a way that shows them they are loved. each one has his or her own way of feeling valued. i won’t take it for granted that they know i love them. i will say it and show it.

  26. YES.

    1. Creating something (art or writing).
    2. Keeping a gratitude journal — writing down one thing each day I’m grateful for.
    3. Spending time outside — wandery walks through my new city, exploring new neighborhoods, nooks, and niches.
    4. Finishing one of my many ‘in-progress’ projects / tasks — even the small ones!

  27. Thanks ladies, this is brilliant.

    1) Stay soft, even when you feel life making you hard.
    2) Get outside, be friendly, smile generously
    3) Make things from scratch like meals and drawings

  28. I love this idea and I love Stephanie’s comment about staying soft when life is hard – that’s a tcicky but much needed one for me,

    My list:

    1. Make something with my kids – art, craft, food, whatever we can get our hand in or on. Try not to get bogged down with time or mess factors.
    2. Tell my husband I love him in a heartfelt way, not just words as he goes out the door.
    3. Meditate, even if only for a minute in the shower before my kids burst in.

  29. This is so inspiring! I love the practice and intention of this.

    1. Take a bath
    2. Drink rich dark coffee – and stop to enjoy the steam coming out of the cup before I put the milk in (I just love that!)
    3. Make architecture every day – not sylabii, student recommendations, or other college work, but my own architecture. Something every day.

  30. Oh lovely! I so enjoyed reading all of the comments. I too am involved in looking for joy and so the challenge is well suited for me.

    * Take lots of photos. Even thinking of taking photos makes me notice the beauty that surrounds me more often.
    *Write about what makes me joyful. That makes me notice too.
    *Have a really nice cappicino with a good friend. mmm.

  31. -hot cup of coffee in the morning
    -reading in the sunshine
    -interacting with loved ones: conversations, walks, or just “being” with them.

  32. Very inspiring. I’m in!

    1. To find somewhere new and different to hang out with my husband
    2. Read a good book
    3. Walk at lunch and pause for breath

    Thank you!

  33. paint my toes pink
    sing out loud
    plant a strawberry patch

    …. which just reminded me of why of the joke about the elephant painting its nails red!

  34. I’m in too!!

    1) morning tea and biscuit with my husband
    2) read a book before bed
    3) sit quietly and do nothing else

  35. What a wonderful concept – I shall put it in my pocket!
    1. write in a gratitude journel every day
    2. read more
    3. family time where we are doing something together other than flopping in front of the TV:)

  36. I saw this issue, and thought about it a lot. Here’s what we did:

    1. Visited a farm and ate with abandon.

    2. Set aside one night or one morning a week for me and my husband to do nothing together (this has been soooo relaxing and joyous!)

    3. Took a weekend to just be at home, puttering about, baking, gardening, doing small projects…. oh, so restful and restoring!!!!

  37. I am veryyyy late but no matter- Finding joy is too important- Its been my goal lately so I love being part of this…-

    1. focus more on colour in my artwork-
    2. simplify in my painting, in my expectations-
    3. unashamedly paint about joy rather than existential angst!…

    And anyway, thank you for the lovely work you do here-

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